Aviv New Moon Watch 2023

19 March 2023

Shalom Aleichem,

בָּרוּךְ יְהוָה לְעוֹלָם: אָמֵן וְאָמֵן
Baruch יהוה le olam, amen wa amen.
Bless יהוה forever. Amen and amen.

Tehillim (Psalms) 89:53

The Aviv new moon is expected to be visible on 22 March in Jerusalem and most locations. Share your new moon report.

Moon Rise Moon Set Sunset Sunset to Moonset Sunset phase Sunset percent Civil twilight Civil twilight phase Civil twilight percent Nautical twilight Nautical twilight phase Nautical twilight percent Astronomical twilight Astronomical twilight phase Astronomical twilight percent
Jerusalem Israel
3/22/23 6:12 AM 3/22/23 6:45 PM 3/22/23 5:51 PM 0:53 12.55 1.22% 3/22/23 6:15 PM 12.78 1.26% 3/22/23 6:44 PM 13.04 1.31% 3/22/23 7:13 PM 13.3 1.36%
Orlando Florida
3/21/23 7:36 AM 3/21/23 7:46 PM 3/21/23 7:37 PM 0:09 3.51 0.14% 3/21/23 8:00 PM 3.73 0.16% 3/21/23 8:28 PM 3.99 0.17% 3/21/23 8:56 PM 4.25 0.18%
3/22/23 8:09 AM 3/22/23 8:51 PM 3/22/23 7:37 PM 1:13 16.83 2.15% 3/22/23 8:01 PM 17.04 2.21% 3/22/23 8:28 PM 17.29 2.27% 3/22/23 8:56 PM 17.54 2.34%

Note that the HM Nautical Almanac Office is performing maintenance and will not be providing new moon visibility estimates at least for the near team. Instead of the graphical representation, the table above contains the calculated values providing the same information numerically. Generally, the new moon is not visible without at least a .90% illumination and about 30 minutes between sunset and darkness. Note that around the time the new moon sets, it approaches .16% illumination in Orlando, but would not be visible because it will be below the horizon.

Barley in Aviv

At this time in March, there is almost certain to be barley in Aviv. The Aviv reports that I look for are from fellow Karaite Jews and Devorah’s Date Tree reports the Aviv at or around the new moon. There is also a site called Abib of God Abib Reports 2023 that reports Abib reports for reference. These sites are available for your consideration.

Aviv Chaggim (Haggim)

Estimated dates for the upcoming feasts:

  • Pesach – 5 April (sunset)
  • Chaggim Matzoth – 6 – 12 April
  • Chag Shavouth –  28 May

Aviv (1st) Month in the Miqra

  • Shemot (Exodus) 12:2, 18; 13:4; 23:15; 34:18; 40:2, 17
  • Vayikra (Leviticus) 23:5
  • Bamidbar (Numbers) 9:1, 5; 20:1; 28:16; 33:3
  • Devarim (Deuteronomy) 16:1
  • Yehoshua (Joshua) 4:19
  • Divrei Hayamim I (1 Chronicles) 12:15; 27:2-3; 29:3, 17; 35:1
  • Ezra 6:19, 7:9, 8:31, 10:17
  • Ester 3:7, 12; 29:17; 30:20; 45:18, 21
  • Daniel 10:4

May יהוה be with you,

Ya’aqov Meyer

Devorah’s Date Tree

👀 Upcoming New Moon Observation – 19 March 2023