6 April 2019
Shalom Aleichem,
The new moon was reported by one faithful observer in Israel. Appeared that there was significant cloud cover in some areas of Israel. Additionally, barley in the Aviv and riper stages have been observed in Israel.
Here in Australia the new moon wasn’t sighted even though it was marginally probable with perfect conditions. The sky was clear but their was a heavy haze in the bottom 10% of the sky along the horizon.
Location | Date | Observer(s) |
Israel | 6 April | one |
Shelly beach, KZN, South Africa | 6 April | four |
Westminster, Maryland, United States | 6 April | two |
Lawton, Oklahoma, United States | 6 April | six |
Pine Grove, Pennsylvania, United States | 6 April | eight to twelve |
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | 7 April | five |
Canberra, ACT, Australia | 7 April | two |
Snowflake, Arizona, United States | 7 April | one |
YHWH bless,
J. Adam Meyer
6 April
Shelly Beach, KZN, South Africa
Sliver sighted 18h35 very clear just above the horizon, clouds above the sliver. FC (4 observers)
Westminster, Maryland, United States

There was considerable cloudiness in the West after sundown, but at about 8:00 EDT the clouds moved to where the moon was visible and at about 8:15 it was unobscured and beautiful. There is a bit of earthshine on the darkened part of the moon visible in the picture. JMG (2 observers)
Lawton, Oklahoma, United States
The extremely thin crescent was sighted at 7:58 pm between the clouds. As the clouds moved away, the crescent became strikingly clear and beautiful. Shofars sounded in Lawton, OK! JI (6 observers)
Pine Grove, Pennsylvania, United States
About 10 or 12 at Yahweh’s free Brethren, Bethel Pa about 8pm after Shabbath, 6th april. Very easy to see. WS (10 – 12 observers)
Eastern Australia

No sighting in eastern Australia. JAM
7 April
Canberra, ACT, Australia
New moon easily sighted about 5 minutes before sunset. JAM (2 observers)
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Cloudy, but easily visible. RJ (5 observers)
Snowflake, Arizona, United States
I first checked the western horizon around 7:40 PM (AZ Standard Time. Note: daylight savings time is not utilized in AZ; therefore, AZ time is essentially the same as Pacific Time during this time of year). I thought I was too late to look for the moon; the sky was very dark and a low cloud bank was on the western horizon. Fortunately, I examined the western skies again at almost 8:00 PM, and there was a very narrow opening between the western skyline and the base of the cloud bank. Behold, the new moon was visible for 5 to 10 minutes, as a very narrow crescent. The moon was easy to discern with the naked eye, and the crescent was fully set at 8:03 PM. KR (1 observer)