6th New Moon Reports 2024

4 September 2024

Shalom Aleichem,

The sixth new moon was visible in Jerusalem Israel and South Africa on 4 September. More sightings will be added as they are available.

Share your new moon report.

Date Location Observer(s)
4 September South Africa 3
4 September Jerusalem Israel 3
4 September Merritt Island Florida United States 0
3 September West-central New Mexico United States 0

May יהוה be with you,

Ya’aqov Meyer

4 September


3 observers in Jerusalem (Rechavia)

🌙 New Moon Report – 4 September 2024

Devorah’s Date Tree

South Africa and United States

3 observers in South Africa

New Moon Report

Truth of YHWH

Merritt Island Florida United States

Cloudy. YM (0 observers)

3 September

West-central New Mexico United States

Because there was an ever slight chance of sighting the new moon early (on 3 September) we checked carefully tonight. No sighting. Not even with binoculars. The moon was projected to be 2.5 degrees up, 0.8% illuminated, with an elongation (to the sun) of only 10 degrees. DM (0 observers)