4th New Moon Reports 2024

6 July 2024 (updated 8 July)

Shalom Aleichem,

The fourth new moon was visible on 6 July in the United States. The new moon was sighted in Israel on 7 July.

Share your new moon report.

Date Location Observer(s)
6 July Sharpes Florida United States 2
6 July West-Central New Mexico United States 3
6 July Multiple locations United States 33
6 July Israel 0
7 July Be’er Sheva Israel 1

May יהוה be with you,

Ya’aqov Meyer

6 July


🌙 New Moon Report – 6 July 2024

No sightings.

Devorah’s Data Tree

Sharpes Florida United States

Visible with the naked eye at 9:04 pm. YM (2 observers)

West-Central New Mexico United States

Sighted around 8:50 PM MDT about 3 degrees above a local mountain ridge. Clear and bright, although thin. DM (3 observers)

Multiple Locations United States

33 sightings reported on 6 July.

New Moon Report

Truth of YHWH

7 July

Be’er Sheva Israel

Visible in Be’er Sheva Israel. YZ (1 observer)