9th New Moon Reports 2022

25 November 2022

Shalom Aleichem,

The ninth new moon was visible on 25 November in Australia, the United States, and Israel. Additional reports will be added as they are available.

Shabbat Shalom!

Share your new moon sighting.

24 NovemberWest-Central New Mexico United StatesNone
24 NovemberOrlando Florida United StatesNone
25 NovemberMelbourne Victoria Australia6
25 NovemberGungahlin ACT Australia2
25 NovemberTiberias Israel2
25 NovemberOrlando Florida United States1
Additional reports will be added as available.

Personal Update

My wife and I are relocating to Orlando Florida. We love and will miss Australia and the Australian people but look forward to making and restoring connections here in the States. Please pray for my wife as she gets ready to travel in a few days. It is a long journey, tiring and painful as probably can be imagined. I have been here for a couple of months preparing our home for my wife. Reach out if you are in the area and want to observe the new moon together.

May יהוה be with you,

Ya’aqov Meyer

24 November 2022

West-central New Mexico United States

Sky modeling software suggested that a sighting tonight is possible (2.5 to 3 degrees up, 1.4% illuminated, 13.5 deg from the sun) at sighting time 15 minutes after sunset), but we were all socked in with clouds and snow. No sighting. DM (no sighting)

Orlando Florida United States

No sighting here, based on the predictive calculations the new moon could have been visible here if conditions were perfect and the initial sighting was made with magnification. Central Florida humidity at ~90% makes that highly unlikely. No sighting. YM (no sighting)

25 November 2022

Melbourne Victoria Australia

Easily visible, clear skies, seen 8:40 pm. RJ (6 observers)

Gungahlin ACT Australia

Beautiful new moon just at sunset. AM (2 observers)

Tiberias Israel

🌙 UPDATE_ New Moon Report – 25 November 2022

Devorah’s Date Tree

Orlando Florida United States

Heavy haze to the west but easily visible once the sky cleared up and got darker near 5:39 pm. YM (1 observer)