August 13, 2018
Shalom Aleichem,
The sixth new moon was visible in the United States in multiple locations. Here in eastern Australia, the new moon was not seen due to cloud cover. Praise YHWH; we finally have rain to help with the drought conditions.

Share your new moon reports.
Sighting Locations
- United States of America – 12 August
- Australia – 13 August
YHWH Bless,
J. Adam Meyer
12 August
Gray Court, South Carolina, United States

Western sky at 8:30 pm EDT. TT (1 observer)
Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Good clear 4 o’clock position just above light clouds. Observed at 2040 EST. Hoping for all to have a reflective 6th month and for those having the 5th month, may you be blessed. MJ (4 observers)
Near Cookeville, Tennessee, United States
A little over one handbreadth above the horizon, hazy skies. EV (6 observers)
Lawton, Oklahoma, United States
No sighting due to heavy cloud cover. WI
August 13
Eastern Australia

Easily visible. Should have been visible 12 August but clouds obscured it. JAM (4 observers)
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Cloudy,. Photos were blurred. RJ (4 observers)