4th New Moon Watch 2023

28 May 2023

Shalom Aleichem,

בָּרוּךְ יְהוָה לְעוֹלָם: אָמֵן וְאָמֵן
Baruch יהוה le olam, amen wa amen.
Bless יהוה forever. Amen and Amen.

Tehillim (Psalms) 89:53

The fourth new moon is expected to be visible in parts of North and South America on 18 June and in Israel on 19 June if conditions permit.

Share your new moon sighting.

Moon RiseMoon SetSunsetSunset to MoonsetSunset phaseSunset  percentCivil twilightCivil twilight phaseCivil twilight percentNautical twilightNautical twilight phaseNautical twilight percentAstronomical twilightAstronomical twilight phaseAstronomical twilight percent
6/18/23 5:21 AM6/18/23 8:21 PM6/18/23 7:46 PM0:345.790.46/18/23 8:15 PM6.010.426/18/23 8:49 PM6.280.456/18/23 9:26 PM6.580.48
6/19/23 6:14 AM6/19/23 9:12 PM6/19/23 7:47 PM1:2517.092.386/19/23 8:15 PM17.312.436/19/23 8:49 PM17.582.56/19/23 9:27 PM17.872.58
Orlando Florida
6/18/23 6:34 AM6/18/23 9:15 PM6/18/23 8:25 PM0:499.40.836/18/23 8:52 PM9.620.866/18/23 9:25 PM9.870.96/18/23 9:59 PM10.150.94
6/19/23 7:28 AM6/19/23 10:05 PM6/19/23 8:25 PM1:3920.653.396/19/23 8:52 PM20.863.456/19/23 9:25 PM21.123.536/19/23 9:59 PM21.393.61

New Moon Visibility Projections

Doing some experimentation with a couple of programs that I plan to make available for personal use in the coming months. The first diagram is from 18 June mirroring the calculations above of visibility in Israel and Orlando. Less than 0.9 % of illumination is difficult to see the new moon except in perfect conditions. The blue diamond represents visibility with a telescope and the red diamond represents visibility with the naked eye and a clear sky. Based on the placement of the diamond on the map, the calculation is closer to 0.8% which is very difficult with the naked eye except in low humidity (haze) and minimal clouds. The calculation is based on Yallop which is commonly considered one of the most accurate estimations. Over time, I would like to adjust this a bit for current reports and atmospheric conditions. Please share any feedback on this and as it is developed I will open a ticketing system for this work.

Fourth New Moon in the Miqra

  • Melachim II (2 Kings) 25:3
  • Divrei Hayamim I (1 Chronicles) 27:7
  • Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) 39:2, 52:6
  • Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 1:1

May יהוה be with you,

Ya’aqov Meyer