4th New Moon Reports 2022

1 July 2022

Shalom Aleichem,

The fourth new moon was visible on 30 June in many locations in Israel. Thank you for sharing your sightings and have a blessed month.

30 JuneJerusalem Israel6
30 JuneMa’ale Afummim Israel1
30 JuneTiberias Israel1
30 JuneHaifa Israel1
30 JuneBeer Sheva Israel1
30 JuneMelbourne Victoria Australia0
29 JuneWest-Central New Mexico United States0

May יהוה be with you,

Ya’aqov Meyer

30 June


Devorah’s Date Tree

New Moon Report – 30-June-2022

Melbourne Victoria Australia

Was NOT able to sight the moon from Melbourne on 30th June evening.RJ (3 watchers)

Gungahlin ACT Australia

No sighting, was flying home and didn’t see the new moon. YM

29 June

West Central New Mexico United States

Almost, but not quite. We looked carefully last night (29 June), but were not successful seeing it without binoculars. There were a lot of wispy, high clouds to the west. With binoculars, we did watch it set at 9:04 PM MDT, around 40 minutes after local sunset. That doesn’t count as a sighting though, I believe. It is a useful point of reference, though. We may have seen it under perfect sighting conditions. DM (2 watchers)

Gungahlin ACT Australia

No sighting, was flying home and didn’t see the new moon. YM