2nd New Moon Watch 2023

18 April 2023

Shalom Aleichem,

בָּרוּךְ יְהוָה לְעוֹלָם: אָמֵן וְאָמֵן
Baruch יהוה le olam, amen wa amen.
Bless יהוה forever. Amen and Amen.

Tehillim (Psalms) 89:53

The second new moon is expected to be visible on 20 April in the US and 21 April in Israel. As can be seen by illumination even at sunset, the new moon is unlikely to be visible on April 20.

Share your new moon sighting.

Moon RiseMoon SetSunsetSunset to MoonsetSunset phaseSunset percentCivil twilightCivil twilight phaseCivil twilight percentNautical twilightNautical twilight phaseNautical twilight percentAstronomical twilightAstronomical twilight phaseAstronomical twilight percent
4/20/23 6:11 AM4/20/23 7:36 PM4/20/23 7:11 PM0:256.340.31%4/20/23 7:36 PM6.570.33%4/20/23 8:06 PM6.830.35%4/20/23 8:37 PM7.10.38%
4/21/23 6:44 AM4/21/23 8:41 PM4/21/23 7:11 PM1:3018.832.69%4/21/23 7:37 PM19.052.75%4/21/23 8:07 PM19.32.83%4/21/23 8:38 PM19.572.9%
Orlando Florida
4/20/23 7:12 AM4/20/23 8:39 PM4/20/23 7:54 PM0:4510.390.82%4/20/23 8:18 PM10.60.86%4/20/23 8:47 PM10.850.9%4/20/23 9:17 PM11.110.94%
4/21/23 7:48 AM4/21/23 9:42 PM4/21/23 7:54 PM1:4722.773.92%4/21/23 8:19 PM22.983.99%4/21/23 8:48 PM23.224.07%4/21/23 9:17 PM23.484.16%

2nd New Moon in the Miqra

  • Bereishit (Genesis) 7:11, 8:14
  • Shemot (Exodus) 16:1
  • Bamidbar (Numbers) 1:1, 18, 9:1, 11, 10:11
  • Melachim I (1 Kings) 6:1, 37 (mentioned as Ziv)
  • Divrei Hayamim I (1 Chronicles) 27:4
  • Divrei Hayamim II (2 Chronicles) 3:2, 30:2, 13, 15
  • Ezra 3:8

May יהוה be with you,

Ya’aqov Meyer