13th New Moon Sighted 2019

15 March 2019

Shalom Aleichem,

The last reports were delayed as I was travelling. That said I was unable to see the new moon due to heavy cloud cover and rain in San Francisco.

Israel8 MarchDay 30
Costa Rica, United States, and Canada7 March2 observers
Israel7 MarchNone, day 29


Depending on who you ask there were a couple of different thoughts on Aviv. My take on it is that the barley was in Aviv only in small samples, but the head emergence to flowering stages was the most common. Israel has been experiencing rain which has delayed the maturity of the crops. Will head emergence to flowering stages be parchable in two weeks, it seems unlikely. For these reasons, I believe that YHWH is guiding me to April for Aviv.

2019 Aviv Report (6 March 2019)

This is NOT Barley

YHWH bless,

J. Adam Meyer

7 March

Caledonia, Ontario, Canada

No moon sighted. Clear sky except for where the new moon should be. Plane trails in a checkerboard covering that view of the sky. Based upon reports from Israel and Abib of God _ Abib Reports 2019 our family will be observing the Spring Holy Days this month. Happy New Year and a blessed time to Yahweh’s children during the spring appointed times. Yahweh bless, in Yah’shua’s name. DS

8 March

This would have been the automatic date for most locations as the new moon was not visible in most locations on the 7th of March. Exceptions for Costa Rica, Canada, and United States where sightings were reported on the 7th of March.