12th New Moon Sighted 2020

25 February 2020

Shalom Aleichem,

The 12th new moon was visible in the US and Australia. Additional reports will be added as they are available. Share your sighting.

West-central, New Mexico, United States24 February2
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia25 February2
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia25 February2
More to be added…

Miqra Readings for New Moon: Bəmiḏbar (Numbers) 28:1-15

Aviv sightings have been negative so far from Israel. Expecting Aviv will be ready next month, 25 April.

May YHWH bless you,

Ya’aqov Adam Meyer

24 February 2020

West-central, New Mexico, United States

Bright and high (7+ degrees) 20-some minutes after local sunset. DM (2 observers)

25 February 2020

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Very clear in the middle section of the sky (very cloudy above and below). MJ & RJ (2 observers)

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Very clear, about 9 – 12 degrees above the horizon at 8:30 PM. JM (2 observers)