10th New Moon Reports 2021

5 December 2021

Shalom Aleichem,

The new moon was visible in Australia, Israel and the United States on 5 December at sunset. Share your new moon report.

LocationDate (Sunset)Observer(s)
Melbourne Victoria Australia5 December5
Canberra ACT Australia5 December0
Jerusalem (Rechavia) Israel5 December2
Jerusalem (Old City) Israel5 December4
Beer Sheva Israel5 December2
Moshav Ahihud Israel5 December3
West-Central New Mexico United States5 December2

May יהוה  be with you,

Ya’aqov Adam Meyer

Melbourne Victoria Australia

Very faint! About 9 pm. RJ (5 Observers)

Canberra ACT Australia

No sighting due to clouds and rain. Nicely no fires this year but seems like a lot of rain. YM


🆖 New Moon Report – 5 December 2021

Devorah’s Date Tree

West-Central New Mexico United States

Skies were crystal clear and the new moon was easily seen here in West-Central New Mexico on the 5th of December. It was high and bright and was seen only minutes after local sunset. DM (2 Observers)